Thursday 2 May 2013

Day 3: Exford to Bristol

Well what a day! Blue sky and winds from the west and for once, this was the same way I was going. As I seemed to have managed every day my start involved a steep climb out of Exford how have I managed this - Boscastle now Exford - derrr

The ride to Bridgewater was great fun - long slow climbs and fast descents - spring had definitely sprung in the Quantocks.

I found myself singing Meat Loaf descending to Dunster - no idea why but got the odd funny look.

One near miss thanks to an impatient Co-Op Truck driver trying to pass me on double whites at the top of a hill!

Bridgewater was a bit disappointing but then headed for Bristol - ooops heading North and now the wind was from the side - anyway soon heading for Cheddar.

So - you've just felt on top of the world - feeling really fit and pushing along at a fair old lick when you are passed by someone who makes you look like your standing still - Oh Well - keep going!!

Met up with some fellow Jo'G ers on a cycle path over the Mendips - 3 Women riding as part of a group and for differing charities - good company and funnily travelling the same dates so possibly rendevous in Jo'G on the 10th

We parted company and I set off - yes in the wrong direction!!! Only 10 mins lost and then the hilly approach into Bristol.

Bristol YHA is great - right in the centre and I was sharing with 4 other guys - there was only a top bunk left so had to pull the mattress off and onto the floor - no probs

Great night firstly with a friend and then with a fellow cyclist from Germany. He was taking time out and exploring the UK - we will stay in touch - nice bloke - good luck Chris.

Reflections: When things are going well it feels good but you still need to pace yourself as you don't know whats around the corner - I found the approach to Bristol hard.

Day 4: The Long One - Bristol to Pulverbatch on the Wye Rollercoaster via Severn Bridge

Update will need to follow as now running late for Day 7 - Home to Slaidburn

Sorry I'm behind with my blogs!

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