Saturday 4 May 2013

Day 7: Back in the Saddle

Overcast and cool day. Ready to roll at 8 and my neighbour 'speedy' Ciaron was joining me for a bit. Really nice easy ride. Wind behind and nice to have some company for a few hours.

Stopped for a brill breakfast and again a couple engaged about the tour and it made the whole trip come alive.

Back on my own up through Preston, Longridge and then the hard climbing to Slaidburn. Legs knew they had had a day off.

Raining in Slaidburn and hostel not open for 2 hours!!! PUB called.

A good evening - people in hostel v friendly and a couple in the pub where finally willing to break their social clique and say hello which was really appreciated. Happy by the fire reading my book but always nice to chat!!

Big day tomorrow up over the moors and Shap

Reflections: simple acts are all it takes. A simple hello or acknowledgement can change a persons day

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