Sunday 5 May 2013

The Loneliness Lifecycle

Nine days in and riding along some long wet roads I wondered if there was a Lifecycle to loneliness.

Step 1: planning to do something
Planning this trip was okay. On my own I was never sure it would work but no time to reflect to closely.

Step 2: the start. All adrenaline and learning. Buoyed by good luck messages off into the distance.

Step 3: normality.
Just another day. Initial euphoria now replaced by day to day planning. Successes climbing hills but no one to really share the experiences with.

Step 4: just me and the road
Reality that u are alone in this. Great support from family but each day is down to you to make the effort to connect

Step 5: ??
This is where it could go either way

Step 6: back to step 1
So many people plan there way out of something. Often the result is planning the next step up the ladder or starting again if unfortunate to have slid down a snake. (Not a euphemism)

For me I am enjoying this greatly. It's making me think about loneliness how I felt in South Africa.

I have family and friends supporting me but if this support network wasn't there how would it pan out.

I do honestly believe its very easy for people to become invisible in the UK. there are so few who seem inquisitive about others and will just pass them by or ignore them.

Only one person has proactively and unsolicited approached me and asked about what I'm doing. I've met lots of people through my making a connection!

Makes you think!! I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Are you finding a difference in how people are depending on the environment. Living in deepest Glos if I am out in our local town early with few people around people say good morning. Once it gets busier later in the day that stops. Is there a fear of being thought a little odd if you say hello to complete strangers in a busy place?
