Sunday 28 April 2013

Day 1 Horace goes skiing!

Many years ago when the Sinclair Spectrum was de rigour in computing there was a game called Horace goes Skiing. Horace was a frog who had to cross a busy road before he could start skiing - he often didn't make it. Anyway this is how I felt cycling down the A30 which is basically a motorway. Strong cross winds and Horace reappeared after so many years. Every rider embarking on LEJOG has to run the gauntlet of the A30. Absolutely no planning has gone in to make it useable by cyclists. Yet again we must give way to the car is king culture which again epitomises My Space, My Road. Many drivers have been really considerate but the A30 scared the living daylights out of me. Horace I can relate!

1 comment:

  1. My goodness - which part took you on the A30? Can only imagine how hairy that must have been
