Wednesday 8 May 2013

Day11: Doune to Pitlochry

Well the weathermen said it would be nice but today has got to have been the best day for cycling ever!! Left Doune on time and many thanks to the Scott clan. A fantastic afternoon and evening.

Anyway, into Dunblane and lots of memories. Not changed much. Back onto the old rides I used to do. Up to Braco the Auchterarder and beyond. Met a fellow cyclist out on a training ride and had a good chat about the LEJOG and why I'm doing it. Been very interesting seeing people's reaction and recognition that as a society we really don't engage much with strangers. An interesting comment has been about why in early morning when its quieter people seem to say hi but later a village can change. It may be numbers but also may be people types. Early birds by there nature are probably of a disposition to say hello. It's kind of a early bird club. Dog walkers pretty much acknowledge each other. So there's something about having something in common. Question is how to reenergise someone worn out from trying?

Anyway. Got to Pitlochry at 1400. Yet again those nice Sustrans people put a steep hill right at the end - joy.

Found a great real ale pub / micro brewery. Moulin Inn. Recommended.

Shared the dorm with a lovely guy called Harold. 81 and a half. Still hosteling and writing a novel about sustainable living. Once he got his hearing aids back in we had a great chat!!

Pitlochry both friendly, sunny and pretty. Good day. As some one said the end is nigh for my LEJOG.

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