Thursday 9 May 2013

Day 13: Inverness to Culgower

Another sunny day as I tried to extricate myself from a very squeaky top bunk without waking my fellow room mates. Success. Got packing to a fine art so up and out. Met a number of fellow cyclists many who have been quite pessimistic of my A9 plans, busy, steep climbs etc

All did not start well. The first bridge out of Inverness on the main A9 was closed north bound and working as a contra flow. I had to ride it causing the traffic to back up. To the guy in the Citroen who felt that sounding his horn at me all the way over would magically make the cycle lane open I say "learn some patience". Probably not my brightest moment but it was the only way other than a long detour.

After that it was the A9 slog!! Beautiful scenery but constantly needing to listen to the traffic. Detoured off the A9 to see Alness and Dornoch (cheers Harold) which is really pretty.

Crossing Dornoch bridge met a couple walking JOGLE. Left 1st May and coming up to there 100 mile mark.

After Dornoch the wind was head on and quite strong. Find this the most demoralising. Head down I sailed right past the B&B down the hill into Helmsdale! Damn. Turn round back up and eventually found this lovely place. Net with tea and cake and staying in a very plush room. No signal but good wifi.

Early start. Breakfast at 6 leave at 640. 3 big climbs and 56 miles to go then 20 to Thurso. Don't want to miss my 1629 train!!

Got to go breakfast calling.

1 comment:

  1. SO how does it feel to be finished - telling someone on the plane home from Edinburgh today all about your trip - they were very impressed!
    Have a great weekend
