Thursday 2 May 2013

Day 5: Heading Home

This was an easier day so left a bit later - 9:00am. What fantastic weather. Descending the hill into Shrewsbury was spectacular - a lovely morning light and the bike was running really well. 

Into Shrewsbury - along the river and then past the old Flax Mill which is being restored. 

The route was familiar as I had done it in training so just enjoyed and pushed on. Stopped to refuel at a small Farm Shop / Cafe as you come into Whitchurch. Lovely place used increasingly as a social hub by Jelly who aim to get loan home workers to meet up and work together. Also a club for OAPs was going on. Brill

Met Judy and Eric (93!!) who kindly donated - many thanks and had a lovely chat 

Also met Barbara Reinford from Jelly who again was passionate about Jelly and getting people together. 

Anyway pushed home and back in good time. 

Now some chores and have a day off

Its flown and now I need to rush to start Day 7 

Day 6 Blog will need to wait - it wasn't as relaxing as I had hoped!!

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the first leg and hope you managed some rest on the day at home. The views must be wonderful with this clear air at the moment. Hope the next pieces go really well too!
