Sunday 5 May 2013

Day 9: the border crossing!!

Well crossed the border today. No passport needed, well not until devolution. Long endless roads up through Gretna, ecclefechen and then into Lockerbie. Lots of time to reflect on loneliness and how I feel at the moment. Today has been hard. I made no real connection in Carlisle. It seemed a very insular place where a tall guy in fluorescent jacket was more a source of drunken derision than intrigue This got me thinking. Are we losing our inquisitiveness to want to find out about others. Are we so wrapped up in work, tv and the Internet that taking time to inquire when something seems different or just to say hi to a stranger is no longer interesting. Personally I love getting talking to new people, if they'll let me.

In Lockerbie I met an HR Director who agreed that people managers are a dying breed. It's all process and book a meeting. Interesting. Good chat Keith, thanks. Then arrived a bunch of roadies on their regular boys ride out. Couldn't get a grunt of an hello from them - nice!!

Anyway on to Beattock summit. All pretty straight forward in the rain! Thought I'd arrived in Toulouse at one point!! See Facebook.

Arrived New Lanark about 1630. Guess what - it's at the bottom of a hill. Oh joy for tomoz.

Brill hostel in a fantastic location - apart from the hill.

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