Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 0 Looms...Itinerary becoming very real!

Back in January when I decided to go for an April  to May tour I felt it was ages away with loads of time to train and get fit........how fast the year is going. 

So in 2 days I start off on what I am calling Day 0 - Get to the start. This will be a logistical challenge in its own right as it relies on our fantastic public transport system and integrated rail network --- hmmm

So day starts at 7 - cycle to local station
Train to Birmingham - added complexity is a sudden need to rendezvous with my son and give him his passport 
25 mins to connect with the train to Exeter
And then train to Penzance arriving at 15:15 ish

All going well I will be on the road by 15:30 heading for Lands End - about 15 miles away

Quick photo shoot, no pink Rolls Royce or camera crews - shame

Then 5 miles north to the Lands End YHA hopefully arriving about 17-1730

The itinerary from there (as some have expressed an interest is)

Day 0: Just Get There!! 
Day 1 Sat 27/04: Lands End to Boscastle (circa 70m)
Day 2: Boscastle to Exford YHA via Barnstable (circa 70m)
Day 3: Exford to Bristol Back Packers (circa 65m)
Day 4: Bristol to Pulverbatch (circa 96m) LONG DAY!!
Day 5  Weds 01/05: Pulverbatch to Home (circa 60m)
Day 6: Day Off - Repairs to me and or the bike
Day 7: Home to Slaidburn (circa 60m)
Day 8: Slaidburn to Carlisle (circa 70 m)
Day 9: Carlisle to New Lanark (circa 70m)
Day 10: New Lanark to Doune (circa 60m)
Day 11: Doune to Pitlochry (c 65m)
Day 12: Pitlochry to Inverness (c 80m)
Day 13: Inverness to Helmsdale (c 70m)
Day 14 Fri 10/05: Helmsdale to Jo'G and onto Thurso to catch the train!! (c 50+20)

Will try and keep the Blog up to date

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