Sunday 28 April 2013

Day 1 Horace goes skiing!

Many years ago when the Sinclair Spectrum was de rigour in computing there was a game called Horace goes Skiing. Horace was a frog who had to cross a busy road before he could start skiing - he often didn't make it. Anyway this is how I felt cycling down the A30 which is basically a motorway. Strong cross winds and Horace reappeared after so many years. Every rider embarking on LEJOG has to run the gauntlet of the A30. Absolutely no planning has gone in to make it useable by cyclists. Yet again we must give way to the car is king culture which again epitomises My Space, My Road. Many drivers have been really considerate but the A30 scared the living daylights out of me. Horace I can relate!

Day 0 And my specialist subject is.....

Yes I met a fellow cyclist who epitomised the growing trend of those who really aren't interested in anyone other than themselves. So desperate to escape I left Penzance in the wrong direction! Loneliness is cured by others giving unconditional time to others, and this entails meaning it an not going through the motions. We have lots of excuses; too busy, too important, too shy but there's always a way to connect.
At lands end I was about 20 mins talking to fascinating people, taking there photos and them mine. Meeting a great guy from Lewis who most were ignoring as he was a bit eccentric but he was 70 ish wild camping and just taking a time out. Fantastic

Day 2 when downhill is the last thing you want

When you know your destination is at the top of the hills to your left and you've taken the direct route via the valley and you've been riding for 7 hours!!

Good day today. South westerlies and blue skies. Sitting in the White Lion enjoying a hard earned pint.

Wore the SAMs tabard today and interesting seeing reactions. Didn't trigger one conversation just a lot of strange ish looks. Mind u that could have been the tall sweaty heap wearing it!!

Good day today. Felt strong on the hills at the end 1;5 and long.


Tarka trail into Barnstable is a great route.
Waitrose cafe is open early on Sunday!!
Don't start your day at the bottom of a 1:5

Today: 70 m Boscastle to Exford via poundstock, Holsworthy, Barnstable

Tomorrow 76m Exford to Bristol
Oh yes. Exford is attbe bottom if a hill! Good planning

Friday 26 April 2013

Day 0 Arrives

Just leaving Redruth station on the Riviera Express. So grand.... Not.

Sun is shining and said my farewells to a very drunken man who decided to pitch up beside me!! Why me!!
Train is gradually disgorging its travellers and can now breath.

Taking the balanced route to Lands End as tomorrow is going to be fastest / shortest.

Everyone I've spoken to says how hilly it is and how they have mates who have done the tour in 10 nano seconds. Oh well that's not what this is about.

One day at a time and first goal is to blow any cobwebs away and not tire too quickly. Oh yes and enjoy the ride.

Day 0 well on the way and all I've done is sit on my backside with no peddling.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 0 Looms...Itinerary becoming very real!

Back in January when I decided to go for an April  to May tour I felt it was ages away with loads of time to train and get fast the year is going. 

So in 2 days I start off on what I am calling Day 0 - Get to the start. This will be a logistical challenge in its own right as it relies on our fantastic public transport system and integrated rail network --- hmmm

So day starts at 7 - cycle to local station
Train to Birmingham - added complexity is a sudden need to rendezvous with my son and give him his passport 
25 mins to connect with the train to Exeter
And then train to Penzance arriving at 15:15 ish

All going well I will be on the road by 15:30 heading for Lands End - about 15 miles away

Quick photo shoot, no pink Rolls Royce or camera crews - shame

Then 5 miles north to the Lands End YHA hopefully arriving about 17-1730

The itinerary from there (as some have expressed an interest is)

Day 0: Just Get There!! 
Day 1 Sat 27/04: Lands End to Boscastle (circa 70m)
Day 2: Boscastle to Exford YHA via Barnstable (circa 70m)
Day 3: Exford to Bristol Back Packers (circa 65m)
Day 4: Bristol to Pulverbatch (circa 96m) LONG DAY!!
Day 5  Weds 01/05: Pulverbatch to Home (circa 60m)
Day 6: Day Off - Repairs to me and or the bike
Day 7: Home to Slaidburn (circa 60m)
Day 8: Slaidburn to Carlisle (circa 70 m)
Day 9: Carlisle to New Lanark (circa 70m)
Day 10: New Lanark to Doune (circa 60m)
Day 11: Doune to Pitlochry (c 65m)
Day 12: Pitlochry to Inverness (c 80m)
Day 13: Inverness to Helmsdale (c 70m)
Day 14 Fri 10/05: Helmsdale to Jo'G and onto Thurso to catch the train!! (c 50+20)

Will try and keep the Blog up to date

Rules are Rules........annoyingly

What a great day on Monday, beautiful weather, felt good cycling in - short ride on the Brompton - taking it easy this week. The muscle strain in my thigh seemed to be easing, all looked good.

Issued a Thank you email and got a phenomenal response especially from those in Manchester. So what could possibly go wrong...........

Home time came and off I trotted. Usual route to rendezvous with my wife at her work, adhering to all the traffic signals until the one where I always take the left turn if the road and crossings are clear.

What awaited me - about 8 police officers waiting to catch cyclists for running red lights. Oh what joy.

Yes the Rules are the Rules but lets remember the rules of the road have been created and are set by CAR drivers. Lights are designed to change to accommodate car speeds which can make a bike ride very frustrating. Many accidents to cyclists are caused by vehicles turning left because they didn't see them patiently waiting beside them for the lights to change which wouldn't happen if we had a similar rule to the US where you can turn if the the way is clear.

I make no excuses (nor did I try to be met with a shaking of head and disapproving tut) for breaking this rule but I do feel we need to create rules that work for all road users - here are a couple of examples of why we allow Car to be King introduced under the assumption that it makes things safer!

- Cycle lanes normally end just when you need them most eg narrowing of roads etc
- Cycle paths along major roads have to give way to joining minor roads when a cyclist on the main carriageway would have right of way

There are bad drivers and bad cyclists and I take my ticket on Monday very personally and will reflect on it and learn, I will also attend the training which will allow me to forgo the £30 fine but I am sure the class will all be about strictly following the rules and not teaching practical survival skills which sometimes may mean bending the rules - SAFELY.

I never wish to tempt fate especially pre a long tour which will be on busy roads so need to stay positive and not change too radically those skills that have kept me safe to date. 

Friday 12 April 2013

When Tolerance STOPs being a Good Thing

Many see one of Britains greatest cultural assets to be our tolerance. At many levels I agree but sometimes tolerance can be extremely negative. To tolerate poor behaviour which isolates individuals is an indightment of a failing society. Many organisations espouse a desire to change culture, create fantastic publicity but don't actually "walk the talk" from the top which nurtures that all important TRUST which underpins any effective change.

This week there has been a lot of press about Margaret Thatcher and her legacy. A fantastic article by Hugo Young beautifully summarises the mood (although written in 2003 and printed postumously). The Thatcher years did make Britain economically an envy of many but also left a cultural legacy of "look after yourself". This in turn has created a level of tolerance that is really unhealthy for an inclusive society "If it doesn't affect me then I don't care!"

This manifests itself in many ways but its the little things that worry me most: Saying Good Morning or hello and being looked at like you have two heads, Holding a Door and not getting a simple thanks, being willing to initiate a conversation with a total stranger like the person beside you on a train for the next 3 hours. If these little "unconditional" exchanges are missing then how can we expect people to start looking out for those who are lonely and seeking some kind of human contact.

Loneliness is complex but also very simple to start fixing. All it calls on is for individuals to start looking around them and showing an interest in their neigbour, whether at home, in the street, at work etc. Spotting when an elderly neighbours milk is left out and feeling able and willing to go and investigate or taking the time to talk to someone who is having a bad time with illness whether it be physical or mental.

Our ability to "tolerate" poor behaviours just because it "doesn't affect me" is a level of tolerance which cannot be acceptable in a wealthy, advanced civilisation. A basic level of behaviour should be a characteristic which we all protect no matter what age, creed or circumstance. Maybe then people would stop feeling alone and isolated.

Remember to an increasing number a simple unconditional hello from a stranger can make the difference between a good or a "suicidal day".

So as someone said to me "So what are you going to do about it??" Roll on the 26th!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Loneliness Matters - Fundraiser Page

Here is my link to my fundraising profile - any sponsorship gratefully received!

Fundraiser profile page - BT MyDonate

Many thanks


Testing from my phone

Just seeing how the mobile blogger app works.

Integrated Transport Policy - NOT!!

So you want to get yourself and bike to Lands End and then back from John o'Groats. Can't be the first to do it - of course the train companies will have this covered. What a farce. Although I did this sometime ago the memory of the 'experience' still annoys me.

Firstly you need to wait for the Rail companies to release their dates. Okay did this
Then you go online and find that whilst you can book your seats for free, online you cannot book bike spots so.....
premium rate phone call later you have your first leg booked from Warrington to Birmingham BUT
this "untouched for the first time" rail company can only book a bike on the bit they run so.....
you need to ring each rail company separately - the one to Exeter and then the one to Penzance BUT...
the last company have not released their bike spaces yet, so 'can you ring back in a week' so......
your entire trip hangs on someone else not sneaking in and grabbing one of the only 2 bike spaces a train can carry.

So after about 1.5 hours I end up with 3 rail companies booking my seat and bike individually. None know of my dependence on each of them to get to Penzance on time. All charged me call fees for the privilege of booking my bike and the total cost was well in excess of £100. It would have been more if I had booked my seats solely through the initial company.

Thank goodness I am doing this on my own - what if I had wanted to travel with "god forbid" 2+ friends - trains only take 2 bikes, what a logistical nightmare that would have been.

So, well prepared I contacted Scotrail for the Jo'G to Stirling trip. What a fantastic change. One rail company, 7 hours of travel, one change - booked in 5 minutes for the grand total of £15 due to booking so early. Now that is what public transport should be about.

No wonder we cannot move from the Car Culture - our trains are overpriced, overfull and the service is poor.

Not one for nationalisation but a single integrated booking system that allows point to point bookings WITH bike etc would be good!! That smacks of Integrated Transport and Customer Service - now wash my mouth out. Lets hope my start is not upset by something incorrect being on the line (leaves, snow......)