Saturday 23 March 2013

5 Weeks to Go?

Sitting looking out on a white landscape listening to the howling wind and hoping that in 5 weeks we will be in Spring - what ever that means. Today I fitted the new handlebar bag and iPhone holder and all looks good! After loads of attempts with GPSs etc I have decided to use my iPhone for everything, including updating this blog!!

There seems some great apps and bikehub is the one that really shines. Dead easy to use and you can store the journey id and recall it when out on the road.

Still wondering in all my prep why we have such a rubbish view on integrated transport in England. I ran Scottish Rail last week for my train from Thurso to Stirling and got a great guy. We chatted and he helped me sort my train and bike place for the princely sum of 15.70!!!! The day after I booked a business trip to London on Virgin at the astronomical price of £288. Something is very wrong!!

Anyway - all trains are booked, most accomodation is booked, route is kind of planned, kit has been tested, my wife wont let me buy anymore gadgets !!! so suppose all that I need to do is train. Hmmmm

Wrting this entry is my first attempt at blogging so here goes nothing - all part of the adventure!